Credits / Help

About this project

The idea for this project comes from Daniel Schlichtholz.

In 2004 he created a forum called MySQLDumper and soon, programmers who wrote new scripts, supplemented Daniel's scripts.
After a short time the small backup-script developed into a stately project.

If you have any improvement suggestions you can visit the MySQLDumper-Forum:

We wish you a lot of fun with this project.

The MySQLDumper-Team

MySQLDumper Daniel Schlichtholz

MySQLDumper Help


This Script is available on the Homepage of MySQLDumper.
It is recommanded to visit the Homepage frequently to get the latest information, updates and help.
The address is

System Mandatories

The Script works with nearly any server (Windows, Linux, ...)
and PHP >= Version 4.3.4 with GZip-Library, MySQL (>= 3.23), JavaScript (must be enabled).


The installation is very easy. Unpack the archive in any folder, which is accessible from the Webserver
(e.g. in the root directory [Server rootdir/]MySQLDumper)
change config.php to chmod 777
... all done!
you can start MySQLDumper in your Browser by typing "http://webserver/MySQLDumper" to complete the setup, just follow the instructions.
If your webserver runs with the option safemode=ON MySqlDump mustn't create directories.
You will have to do that yourself.
MySqlDump breaks in that case and tells you what to do.
After you created the directories MySqlDump will function normally.

Guidance for the Perl script

Most have a cgi-bin directory, in which Perl can be executed.
This is usually by Browser over available.

Make the following steps for this case please.

1. Call in MySQLDumper the page Backup and click "Backup Perl"
2. Copy the path, that stands behind entry in for $absolute_path_of_configdir:
3. open the file "" in the editor
4. paste the copied path there with absolute_path_of_configdir (no blanks)
5. Save
6. copy, as well as and to the cgi-bin directory (ASCII mode in the ftp-client!)
7. chmod 755 to the scripts.
7b. If the ending cgi is desired, change the ending of all 3 files pl - > cgi (rename)
8. Call in the MySQLDumper the page Configuration
9. click on Cronscript
10. changes Perl execution path to /cgi-bin/
10b. if the Scripts are renamed to *.cgi , change Fileextension to cgi
11 save the Configuration

Ready ! The scripts are available from the Page "Backup"

When you can execute Perl anywhere, only following step are needed:

1. Call in MySQLDumper the page Backup.
2. Copy the path, that stands behind entry in for $absolute_path_of_configdir:
3. open the file "" in the editor
4. paste the copied path there with absolute_path_of_configdir (no blanks)
5. Save
6. chmod 755 to the scripts.
6b. If the ending cgi is desired, change the ending of all 3 files pl - > cgi (rename)
(ev. 10b+11 from above)

Windowsuser must change the first line of all Perlscripts, to the path of Perl.

instead of: #!/usr/bin/perl w
now #!C:\perl\bin\perl.exe w
