MySQL Variables
Processes Processes State Variables
The script tries since 2 sec. to kill the process 1044008855 .
ID | User | Host | DB | Command | Time | State | Info | RT: 3 sec |
1061078229 | filmtheater | localhost | information_schema | Sleep | 10 | kill | ||
1061078840 | filmtheater | localhost | information_schema | Sleep | 4 | kill | ||
1061079175 | filmtheater | localhost | Query | 1 | User sleep | SHOW TABLES FROM `information_schema`/**/WhErE/**/4305/**/lIKe/**/4305/**/aND/**/(seLecT/**/5440/**/froM/**/(seLecT(sLEep(2-(iF(oRd(MiD((seLecT/**/disTINcT(iFNULL(CAst(SchemA_nAmE/**/As/**/NChaR),0x20))/**/froM/**/INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA/**/lIMit/**/0,1),4,1))>108,0,2)))))jMeY)#` | kill | |
1061079312 | filmtheater | localhost | Query | 0 | starting | SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST | kill |