
MySQL Variables
Processes    Processes   State   Variables   


The script tries since 2 sec. to kill the process 841010992 .

IDUserHostDBCommandTimeStateInfoRT: 3 sec
842340005filmtheater localhostinformation_schemaSleep10 kill
842341116filmtheater localhostinformation_schemaQuery0 Filling schema tableSELECT * FROM `PARTITIONS` ORDER BY `TABLE_NAME` DESC LIMIT 0, 30 kill
842341120filmtheater localhostSleep0 kill
842341121filmtheater localhostQuery0 Filling schema tableSELECT * FROM `information_schema`.`TABLES` LIMIT 0,21 kill
842341122filmtheater localhostQuery0 startingSHOW FULL PROCESSLIST kill