MySQL Variables
Processes Processes State Variables
The script tries since 2 sec. to kill the process 864092798 .
ID | User | Host | DB | Command | Time | State | Info | RT: 3 sec |
866238292 | filmtheater | localhost | information_schema | Query | 0 | Sending data | SELECT * FROM `TABLES` WHERE `TABLE_CATALOG`="def" AND `TABLE_SCHEMA`="information_schema" AND `TABLE_NAME`="COLLATIONS" AND `TABLE_TYPE`="SYSTEM VIEW" AND `ENGINE`="MEMORY" AND `VERSION`="11" AND `ROW_FORMAT`="Fixed" AND `TABLE_ROWS`="" AND `AVG_ROW_LENGTH`="231" AND `DATA_LENGTH`="0" AND `MAX_DATA_LENGTH`="33409761" AND `INDEX_LENGTH`="0" AND `DATA_FREE`="0" AND `AUTO_INCREMENT`="" AND `CREATE_TIME`="2025-03-04 01:15:24" AND `UPDATE_TIME`="" AND `CHECK_TIME`="" AND `TABLE_COLLATION`="utf8_general_ci" AND `CHECKSUM`="" AND `CREATE_OPTIONS`="max_rows=145257" AND `TABLE_COMMENT`="" AND `MAX_INDEX_LENGTH`="0" AND `TEMPORARY`="Y" | kill |
866238293 | filmtheater | localhost | Query | 0 | starting | SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST | kill |