
MySQL Variables
Processes    Processes   State   Variables   


The script tries since 2 sec. to kill the process 979585395 .

IDUserHostDBCommandTimeStateInfoRT: 3 sec
984034223filmtheater localhostinformation_schemaSleep8 kill
984035219filmtheater localhostinformation_schemaQuery0 Opening tablesSELECT count(*) as anzahl FROM (SELECT * FROM `PARTITIONS`) as query kill
984035220filmtheater localhostQuery0 startingSHOW FULL PROCESSLIST kill
984035221filmtheater localhostQuery0 Filling schema tableSHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_connection' kill
984035222filmtheater localhostQuery0 Filling schema tableSHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_connection' kill